Vision & Values





Jesus is the Subject

He came to change the world. As followers of Christ, we, too, are called to change the world by demonstrating the love of Christ. We do this by pioneering and developing a Jesus-shaped landscape in the Northwest. We long to see pioneers released to the new frontier and developers empowered in collaboration to settle the work.

Why Church of God Northwest as a name?

Michael & Jerry explain the process the District employed to settle on the new name.

Why Pioneering & Developing?

Michael and Jerry walk through the history of the United States as it intersects with the history of Church of God Northwest. Along the way they contextualize the language for the Vision Statement.

What’s with the Values?

Michael and Jerry outline what a Jesus-shaped life looks like and explain the values

Presence || Practices || Proclamation

from that vantage point.




The PRESENCE of Jesus is our True North

The PRACTICES of Jesus in community form us

The PROCLAMATION of the Gospel of the Kingdom in word and deed

As part of the Church of God (Anderson, IN), we are a global movement of people seeking to fulfill God’s mission in the world. We’re committed to encountering the Presence of Jesus and faithfully living out his commands. We’re committed to the Practices of Jesus that equip the people of God for the mission that Jesus Christ gave every believer: to Proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom and make disciples of all nations (Matt 28:18–20).

Church of God Northwest includes 38 congregations affiliated with the Church of God (Anderson, IN) in Oregon and Southwest Washington. Our churches are located in various communities from Longview, Washington in the north to Klamath Falls, Oregon in the south, and from La Grande in the east to Bandon on the coast.

The pastors, congregants, and churches in our association maintain accountability and relationship through ministerial credentialing, retreats, and various fellowship events throughout the year. It is our desire to see the existing Church of God congregations in Oregon & Southwest Washington grow and new congregations be established.