
Berean Leadership Conference
to Oct 5

Berean Leadership Conference

Since the 2015 General Assembly vote to make the Church of God Convention an every-other-year experience, smaller-scale (yet larger-than-life!) regional events have ushered in a new era of accessibility and innovation to the collective work of the Movement. During the “even” years, regional gatherings have dotted the map from coast to coast, granting attendees variety in venue and content. In 2024, Church of God people will again convene in three different locations, at three separate times of the year, with three distinct formats. In three historic firsts, partnership with existing exemplary organizations and local Church of God congregations will make each Regional uniquely catalytic.

Through these partnerships, Church of God Ministries is able to provide pastors and church leaders with teaching, tips, and tools from experts representing a wide variety of ecclesial and marketplace settings to enhance effectiveness for the advancement of God’s kingdom.

The third and final event for 2024 is scheduled to take place at First Church of God in Columbus, Ohio, in conjunction with the beloved Berean Leadership Conference.

Those who have been blessed to follow in the footsteps or sit under the teaching of Bishop Timothy Clarke, former chair of the General Assembly of the Church of God, know nothing emanating from First Church of God “the City” is less-than or somehow subpar. In fact, it’s just the opposite. To go a step farther, if you’ve observed Clarke’s ministry for at least a short time, you’ve heard of—if not participated in—the Berean Leadership Conference. A real “fall classic,” the Berean Leadership Conference allows students of all ages to “learn and grow in [their] own leadership skills.” Berean Leadership asserts that “anyone who feels a weight of responsibility in their local church or ministry is a leader and should be seen, strengthened, and celebrated.” “Church leaders,” they continue, “don’t just serve in traditional ministry roles like pastor, elder, or worship leader. The faithful servants in IT, operations, HR, media, communications, and administration are doing critical Kingdom work. That’s why all sessions and services [of the Berean Leadership Conference] are relevant to all church staff positions, church leaders, and church members. And because the church is not one-size-fits-all, this conference isn’t, either! God works in both large and small congregations in unique ways, and our goal is to be relevant and helpful to you whether your weekly attendance is 25, 250 or 25,000.”

Watch for more information on this regional conference that is planned in conjunction with the Berean Leadership Conference at 2024 Regional Convention - Columbus, OH - Church of God Ministries (

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Ministers & Spouse Retreat
to Oct 15

Ministers & Spouse Retreat

Ministers & Spouse Retreat

Church families, we encourage you to find a way to send your pastors & spouses to a retreat created just for them next October 13-15th.  This is an opportunity for them to connect with each other, have some fun at the coast, and be spiritually blessed by our sessions together. 

Our guest speaker this year is Bill Kieselhorst.  Bill has served as a pastor/teacher, missionary, coach, mentor and spiritual director in leadership development.  He served in West Africa for seven years, and later in district roles in the Pacific Northwest.  He is now retired and lives with his wife, Kathy, in Damacus.  Bill is a graduate of Fuller School of World Mission and Soul Formation School of Spiritual Direction. 

Bill will share part of his journey while in West Africa serving as a Missionary Advisor to churches in 5 nations. This assignment and calling radically changed his understanding of the Church, his calling and gifting, and his relationship with the Holy Spirit—a change that would dramatically affect the second half of his life.”

Registration brochures are available and there is a discount if registered by July 10th.


















 Ministers & Spouse Retreat

October 13-15, 2024

Agate Beach Inn, Newport, OR

“Walking with Jesus through the Dark”

Isaiah 50:10 “Who among you fears the Lord and obeys his servant? If you are walking in darkness, without a ray of light, trust in the Lord and rely on your God.”

Bill Lieselhorst—Speaker

Detailed information will be out soon.

Pastors ...Come be refreshed as we connect with God and each other.

Church Families ...encourage your pastors to get away by giving them time off & if possible, finances to make it happen.

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ChoG Introductory Camp
to Aug 11

ChoG Introductory Camp



August 9-11th for those entering 2nd and 3rd grades accompanied by a parent

This camp is structured for children who haven’t been to camp before and provides the security of having one of their parents along for the experience. The activities and faith-based sessions are created with both the children and adults in mind. It is a great camp for parent-child bonding and creating special memories. This weekend provides the opportunity to acquaint children with the facility so they will be prepared for future years of fun at Camp White Branch.

“Don’t let anyone look down on you because

you are young, but set an example for the

believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith

and in purity.”

Dates: August 9-11, 2024

Ages: Entering 2nd and 3rd grades

Price: $260 includes child and adult

Director: TBD

Activities: possibilities include nature walks, smores, crafts, devotions, water games, group activities and more!

Register at

Last Day to Register is August 1, 2024.

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ChoG Primary Camp
to Aug 8

ChoG Primary Camp

Primary Camp

August 5th-8th for those entering 3rd and 4th grades

This is an opportunity for many first-time campers to experience the great outdoors. Campers will have adventures, crafts, and activities during this fun week. There will be times of worship and learning sessions revolving around specific scriptures that campers can apply when they go home. Campers will spend time with their cabin mates discussing what they have learned.

“Don’t let anyone look down on you because

you are young, but set an example for the

believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith

and in purity.”

Dates: August 5-8, 2024

Ages: Entering 3rd and 4th grade

Price: $200

Director: Brandon and Michelle Borst

Activities: possibilities include hiking, crafts, worship, devotions, water games, cabin time, group activities and more!

Register at

Last Day to Register is July 28, 2024.

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Willamette Valley Camp Meeting
to Aug 1

Willamette Valley Camp Meeting

Make Campmeeting part of your Summer plans!

Connections and spiritual growth are two of the reasons we hold our campmeeting each year. Join us this summer at the Willamette Valley Campmeeting and experience God’s presence as well as get to know others better across our District.

Fred Douglas, our District Associate Pastor, will speak on an important topic in today’s world: identity. Our identity is based on whose image we are created in—God’s image, which is this year’s theme: “Imago Dei/Made in His Image.”

This annual gathering in Turner, Oregon, is a time for our entire District to worship together, to fellowship together, and to hear from the Lord in a beautiful and restful setting. It is truly a family-friendly event for the whole district family! 

Held on the historic grounds of the Oregon Christian Convention, this family-friendly event offers a variety of activities, onsite dining, overnight lodging options (cabins, dormitory rooms, RV and tent spaces) and daily commuters are also welcome. This annual week is volunteer led and    donation supported. Costs are kept low to make it affordable for all. Plan now to join us.  Registration is open. You can use the QR code or the following registration link:

Our Missions Project this year is Hannah Grace Family.  Items for donation are shown below.  Please bring items to the tabernacle at Campmeeting by Monday evening, July 29th.

Pastor Julie Jackson is planning the Kids’ Program and she has needs that are shown below.  If you can help or need more information, please call Julie @ 503-252-0272.


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ChoG Junior Camp
to Jul 26

ChoG Junior Camp

Junior Camp

July 22-26th for those entering 5th and 6th grades

Campers spend time in the woods each day in small groups to engage in discussion about the daily lessons. Morning devotions will be provided as individual times to pray and think about how Jesus impacts our life. Team building activities will be provided to encourage cabin groups to work together. Crafts, hikes, team recreation, and water games are a fun part of each day. The week will end with cabin-led skits.

“Don’t let anyone look down on you because

you are young, but set an example for the

believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith

and in purity.”

Dates: July 22-26, 2024

Ages: Entering 5th and 6th grade

Price: $275

Director: Doug and Danette Beisley

Activities: possibilities include hiking, crafts, worship, devotions, speaker, water games, dinner cook out, group activities and more!.

Register at

Last Day to Register is July 14, 2024.

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Annual Business Meeting

Annual Business Meeting

New Frontiers . . .

We have released a tremendous amount of change recently. We have

  • a new name

  • a new vision

  • some new values

  • a new website

  • new resources

It’s time to convene around all the newness and look ahead at the New Frontiers on our horizon.

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ChoG Middle School Camp
to Jul 19

ChoG Middle School Camp

Middle School


July 15-19 for those entering 7th-8th Grades

This week campers will have fun with their friends and enjoy time with God. Connections with God will be made through music, speakers, and small group discussions. They will learn that by working together in a team they can achieve more than they could alone. Fun activities, waterslides, hikes and crafts are planned to fill each day.

We have a Western theme night so bring what you can to play the part.

“Don’t let anyone look down on you because

you are young, but set an example for the

believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith

and in purity.”

Dates: July 15-19, 2024

Ages: Entering 7th and 8th Grades

Price: $275

Director: Brian Arnold & Nicole Gordon

Activities: possibilities include talent night, offsite hike, crafts, worship, devotions, western theme dinner, movie night, smores, group activities, guest speaker, water games and more!

Register at

Last Day to Register is July 7, 2024.

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ChoG High School Camp
to Jul 12

ChoG High School Camp

High School Camp

July 8-12 for those entering 9th-Sr High Graduate

This week is jam packed full of adventure with white water rafting, hikes, onsite activities, and games. The programming is designed to meet physical and spiritual needs on all different levels. Every morning and night there will be main sessions. Campers will learn on a deeper level who Jesus is, and where their faith is rooted. Each main session will be followed up by a small group discussion to unpack these lessons and have the chance to ask questions.

Don’t forget to sign the waiver for White Water Rafting! We prefer to have them now and not have someone miss out if they change their mind at camp

“Don’t let anyone look down on you because

you are young, but set an example for the

believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith

and in purity.”

Dates: July 8-12, 2024

Ages: Entering 9th-Sr High Graduate

Price: $350

Director: Teresa Hellstrom

Activities: possibilities include worship band, guest speaker, rafting, tie dye activity, movie night, hiking, devotions, and group activities each afternoon and evening.

Register at

Last Day to Register is June 30, 2024.

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International Youth Convention
to Jun 30

International Youth Convention

International Youth Convention

Celebrating 100 Years Nationally

Orlando, Florida - June 27-30

International Youth Convention is Celebrating 100 Years Nationally Orlando, Florida—June 27-30

Registration is open and our young people are excited! This years lineup includes . . .

Lori Maldonado, Sei Worship and Michael Thigpen

For more information go to www.jesusisthesubject and click on events … IYC. Be sure to REGISTER!!!

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Crossings Community Church Conference
to Jun 20

Crossings Community Church Conference

Since the 2015 General Assembly vote to make the Church of God Convention an every-other-year experience, smaller-scale (yet larger-than-life!) regional events have ushered in a new era of accessibility and innovation to the collective work of the Movement. During the “even” years, regional gatherings have dotted the map from coast to coast, granting attendees variety in venue and content. In 2024, Church of God people will again convene in three different locations, at three separate times of the year, with three distinct formats. In three historic firsts, partnership with existing exemplary organizations and local Church of God congregations will make each Regional uniquely catalytic. Pastors and lay leaders checking the Church of God website for updates have already noted the dates of each event.

The June Regional is scheduled at, and in partnership with, the largest Church of God in the country— Crossings Community in Oklahoma City.

Crossings Community Church, a massive force for good in Oklahoma City and around the world, wields a wealth of resources, perspective, and practical knowledge just waiting to be explored. Combined with impeccable hospitality and programming prowess, the June Regional is expected to attract guests from near and far, leaving a certain indelible impact on all. As details are developed, CHOGnews will be here to inform and inspire.

This conference is NOT just for pastors. For more information and to register go to: Convention 2024 - Church of God Ministries (

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CWB Work Weekend
to Jun 2

CWB Work Weekend

Camp White Branch Work Weekend

May 30-June 2 - Come join us for this rewarding time together

May 30th - June 2nd are the dates for our second work weekend at Camp White Branch. Chris and Tiffany (our caretaker and our operations manager) have lots of great projects planned for all skill levels. We would love to see as many churches or individuals as possible involved in this ministry. We see this as a local mission ministry as we prepare and improve our facility to share God’s word and do His work. You can be part of this larger plan to change lives with a camp experience!

Register today if you would like to attend at If you have questions, please contact us at cwboperationsmanag- or or call 541-822-3511.

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CWB Work Weekend
to May 27

CWB Work Weekend

Work Weekends Scheduled

Join us May 24-27th as we Work Together

We have the dates set for two upcoming work weekends at the camp - May 24-27 and May 30-June 2. Chris and Tiffany (our camp operations manager and our caretaker) have lots of great projects planned for all skill levels. We would love to see as many churches or individuals as possible involved in this ministry. We see this as a local mission ministry as we prepare and improve our facility to share God’s word and do His work.

You can be part of this larger plan to change lives with a camp experience! Register for the specific weekend you would like to attend at If you have questions please contact us at or or call 541-822-3511.

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Misfits Conference
to May 18

Misfits Conference

Since the 2015 General Assembly vote to make the Church of God Convention an every-other-year experience, smaller-scale (yet larger-than-life!) regional events have ushered in a new era of accessibility and innovation to the collective work of the Movement. During the “even” years, regional gatherings have dotted the map from coast to coast, granting attendees variety in venue and content.

In 2024, Church of God people will again convene in three different locations, at three separate times of the year, with three distinct formats. In three historic firsts, partnership with existing exemplary organizations and local Church of God congregations will make each Regional uniquely catalytic. Pastors and lay leaders checking the Church of God website for updates have already noted the dates of each event: May 15–18, June 18–20, and October 3–5, respectively.

May’s event will coincide with the acclaimed Misfits Conference at General Assembly chair-elect Geremy Dixon’s church in Inglewood, California—Center of Hope LA.

Through these partnerships, Church of God Ministries is able to provide pastors and church leaders with teaching, tips, and tools from experts representing a wide variety of ecclesial and marketplace settings to enhance effectiveness for the advancement of God’s kingdom. Consider Misfits, for instance—this annual event, relatively new to the scene, brings together “entrepreneurs, market-disruptors, and influencers” to encourage and equip Christ -centered leaders. Whether providing “affirmation for all who have struggled with their ‘misfit’ nature”—that is, to fit in where God has designed and placed them—or by giving “actionable intel on how to mobilize their unique set of skills, insight, and strategies toward their intended destination,” the Misfit experience will take Church of God leaders to new heights in areas perhaps not previously explored by most pastors, all while “building an authentic community/network of these marketplace pioneers.”

To register for this conference, go to This is NOT just for pastors. Anyone can attend!

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CWC Spring Connection

Ladies, plan now to attend our. . . Spring Connection May 4, 2024 @ Newberg Church of God Cost is $30 & registration forms are now available.

Theme- Hope Expectantly Romans 15:13

As we look at our theme “Hope Expectantly,” our speaker, Lynn Sprunger, will share from her own experience as a reluctant student in resiliency, total reliant on the grace of God. “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

Our Speaker and Worship Leader

Lynn Sprunger has been a pastor’s kid her whole life, a pastor’s wife for over 36 years, and a mother for nearly 27 years. She lives with her family in Rainier, OR, where her husband pastors the Rainier Community Church of God. She has recently partnered with the global non-profit James Trail, walking alongside and supporting pastor’s wives & families who have experienced trauma.

Rev. Ashleigh Carnley is the Associate Pastor at Albany First Church of God, where she focuses on empowering and guiding youth, young adults, and the worship ministries. Her commitment to fostering spiritual growth and creating impactful worship experiences has made her a valuable asset to the church community.

Silent Basket Auction

You are invited to bring a basket to be placed in our special silent auction. See brochure for more details. Proceeds will fund a WPU scholarship.

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